The School Day
Start of the day
The school gates open at 8:30am when families can come onto the playground. Children have the chance to say goodbye to parents and spend time with their friends in areas monitored by staff until 8:45am. Please could parents use the car park provided and not the staff car park to ensure the safety of the children.
The bell will ring at 8:45am for the start of the school day when children will line up at their classroom door. We ask that parents leave promptly in order for us to secure the gate.
Children arriving after 8:55am will have an L code (for Late) and will need to come in through the school office.
Children arriving after 9:15am will receive a U code (late after registers close) which will counts as an unauthorised session.
Morning break
Children have a morning break at 10:30am. We encourage children to eat healthy snacks at morning break. This might be a piece of fruit, a snack of vegetables, or a savoury item such as cheese, breadsticks or crackers.
Lunchtime begins at 12:15pm for all classes and finishes at 1:15pm.
Lunch boxes should be clearly marked with the owner’s name. Due to the increasing number of children with severe allergies, nuts must not be brought into school.
Children entitled to a free school meal will be provided with a hot meal each day. If you feel that your child may be entitled to free school meals you can apply online - details of who can apply can be found here: It really helps the school’s funding if you register for free school meals even if you do not intend to take up the meal each day.
Please see the School Meals page for further details about menus and ordering dinners.
End of the Day
Children can be collected from the school gate at 3:15pm. As in the morning, we ask parents to use the main car park, not the staff car park, to allow the school bus to collect the children using it.
School Absence
If your child is unwell please let the office know as soon as possible and on each day of sickness so we can code this correctly in the attendance register.
If you need to request absence for any other reason please use the absence from school request form which can be obtained from the school office.
Please see the Sickness and Absence page for more details.