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Part of the castle school education trust

"The Castle School Education Trust is committed to high quality education across the primary, secondary and sixth form key stages. Our schools cover the South Gloucestershire area. We encourage independence within each school within a strong framework of values."

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Tortworth Primary School


At Tortworth Primary, safeguarding is of paramount importance. All our staff understand that our children's safety and their well being are critical and are all fully trained to deal with safeguarding issues. 

Designated Safeguarding Lead

 Thomas Galsworthy

 Head Teacher

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Ros McGowan

Class Teacher


Chair of Community Council Rhona Allgood
Safeguarding Governor Rhona Allgood

Useful contact numbers:

Access and Response Team (ART): 01454 866000 (during working hours)

Emergency Duty team: 01454 615 165 (out of hours)

Police: 101 for non-urgent issues

                999 if urgent and an immediate response is needed

Domestic abuse concerns: Next Link South Glos domestic abuse 0800 4700 280

          Telephone helplines are open 8.30am-5.30pm Monday to Friday, 9.30am-1.00pm Saturday

Mental health support: CAMHS (if young person is currently under CAMHS) – 01454 862431 or if you are concerned that you are not able to keep your child safe or they are not able to keep themselves safe then take them to the Accident & Emergency department at Bristol Children’s hospital or call for an ambulance.

Food banks links for families living in South Glos:  https://oneyou.southglos.gov.uk/eat-well/food-poverty-support/

Food bank links for families living in Glos: https://gloucester.foodbank.org.uk/

Parents worried about exploitation:  https://paceuk.info/

          or for confidential help and advice, call Pace on 0113 240 5226

CHILDLINE:  0800 1111 or visit their website https://www.childline.org.uk/

Samaritans:  116 123

Mental health apps approved by the NHS: https://www.nhs.uk/apps-library/category/mental-health/