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Part of the castle school education trust

"The Castle School Education Trust is committed to high quality education across the primary, secondary and sixth form key stages. Our schools cover the South Gloucestershire area. We encourage independence within each school within a strong framework of values."

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Tortworth Primary School


At Tortworth, we know that learning is best achieved in an environment that is safe, tolerant and respectful. It is our aim to promote this positive learning environment and a collective responsibility towards achieving it.

The Tortworth 6 - empathy, honesty, kindness, resilience, respect , responsibility - and the forest skills principles remind everyone of our expectations and constantly modelled.

We also have three simple school rules - to be ready, respectful and safe. These rules are regularly discussed in school, displayed around the site and should be followed by all members of the school community.

Positive behaviour is recognised (and reinforced) through the use of rewards which include verbal praise, Dojo Points and certificates and communication with parents.

Every class takes part in Jigsaw (PSHCE) lessons at least once a week. This time is used to build connections and relationships within the class. During Jigsaw lessons, expectations of behaviours are taught and reinforced on a regular basis and on-going throughout the year. Children are therefore encouraged to take responsibility for their own actions and behaviour; as well as, consider the impact of their actions and behaviour on others.

Pupils who follow the school rules have their actions acknowledged and rewarded. Those who do not follow the rules need to know that their actions will not be ignored and incidences of negative behaviour are dealt with in a fair, respectful and appropriate way, with the key focus on:

  • individuals taking responsibility for their behaviour,
  • repairing any harm done,
  • rebuilding and restoring relationships. 

Bullying and discriminatory behaviour in any form is unacceptable and not tolerated at Tortworth School.  We help children understand the difference between behaviour that is rude, mean or bullying. Children are encouraged to talk to staff if they are worried at any time and we monitor behaviour in school proactively.